Theses | Bachelor's Thesis

The final thesis is generally regulated under § 23 of the General Examination Regulations (APB). Thereafter, separate registration and withdrawal procedures, repetition rules and examination authorisations apply to theses. In addition, the conditions for the issue of topics and receiving credit are specified in the respective study regulations under § 23 of the implementation regulations for the timeframe.

Students of Business Administration/Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems write their bachelor's thesis in the Department of Law and Economics or in the respective technical department. Please note the detailed guidelines for WI/WINF bachelor's and master's theses and § 23 and § 31 (2) of the General Examination Regulations (APB).


Theses must always be registered in the Office for Student Affairs a performance level of at least 120 credit points and the successful completion of the bachelor's seminar must be proven before registration.

You will receive the registration form for the bachelor's thesis in the Office for Student Affairs once all requirements have been reviewed.

The completed form will be signed by the supervising research group. The registration form should then be submitted promptly to the Office for Student Affairs so that the registration and the submission date can be recorded in TUCaN.

PO 2020 (WI/WINF): Workload 12 credit points (360 hours), timeframe 13 weeks

PO 2013 (WI) or PO 2011 (WINF) – expiring: 12 credit points (WI) and 15 credit points (WINF), timeframe 13 weeks

All relevant documents on this topic can be found under Downloads and Links | Further information and forms .