On this page you will find the open theses and a procedure for carrying out theses at the Department of Information Systems.
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The following general rule applies to final theses at our department:
- • Bachelor's theses can include original data collection (e.g., experiments) or be a purely literature-based study (e.g., literature review).
- • Master’s theses must include original data collection and/or data analysis.
There are two ways to apply for a thesis position in our team:
- Applying for an advertised thesis position: Please specify in your application the advertisement to which your application pertains.
- Applying with your own topic idea: We always welcome original topic ideas! However, please note that we can only supervise theses on topics that align with our research areas. You can find team members’ research interests on their profiles on our website. Please briefly outline your topic idea in your application (ideally including references) so we can assess whether we can supervise the topic.
Before applying, please ensure you have completed all required coursework necessary for undertaking your thesis. In either case, please specify your preferred working period and attach your current application documents.
We also supervise theses in collaboration with external institutions (e.g., companies) as long as the topic meets the above criteria and a cooperation is beneficial for addressing the research question(s) or hypothesis/hypotheses.
During this phase, we will discuss the potential thesis topic with you, and both parties can clarify any open questions. Additionally, the student will create a research proposal (1-2 pages) summarizing the following information:
- Introduction: What is the problem from a scientific and/or practical perspective, and what is the research gap?
- Theoretical Background: What theories underpin this research area, and what is the (broad) current state of research?
- Research Question: What research question would you like to address with your thesis? What hypotheses would you like to test?
- Method: How would you like to answer (or test) the research question (or hypotheses)?
- Timeline: What timeframe do you have in mind for the thesis, and what is your (rough) schedule?
This research proposal serves as a guide for both you and your supervisor for the thesis and outlines the general framework. The proposal should provide a brief overview and does not need to cover the complete current state of research. It has no impact on the grading of the thesis. To ensure a targeted research proposal and adequately determine the scope of the thesis, the proposal is created in close collaboration with the supervisor.
The research proposal is only required if you have received confirmation from the supervisor and have decided to write your thesis with us.
The thesis is to be completed independently by the student, with an individually agreed-upon schedule for interim meetings. We provide a template for formatting the thesis. The template includes all the necessary information for formatting (e.g., structure, citation style, illustrations, font type and size).
To ensure successful work with relevant research literature, we recommend using reference management software. Information on this can be obtained from the University and State Library of TU Darmstadt.
During the work period, you can take advantage of two milestones, at which we will provide detailed feedback on your progress. Please note that it is your responsibility to utilize these milestones and that feedback creation may take varying amounts of time depending on when it is requested.
During the semester, we occasionally offer Brown Bag Sessions. In these sessions, students whose theses are currently being supervised by us can present their work and provide feedback to one another. Participation is possible at any point in the process, regardless of the thesis’s current status. We encourage you to attend these sessions to practice presenting, formulating feedback, and engaging in academic discussions in a supportive environment. Attendance is voluntary, and presenting your work or actively participating in discussions has no effect on your grade.
Please submit your thesis by the official deadline via the designated submission process and via email to your supervisor. Additionally, please submit the data you collected or used for your data analysis. Current details on the submission process are available on the department's website.
Within the deadlines set by the department, we will evaluate your thesis and provide a written assessment. Please refrain from sending written inquiries regarding the status of your thesis within the allotted period.
If desired, individual feedback can be given during the supervisor's office hours; please schedule an appointment for this.
To help ensure the quality of our supervision, we are always interested in receiving your feedback! We welcome your feedback after you have completed the thesis and received your grading.